Geoff has been invited to become a member of the International Committee of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI). Although Geoff missed the meeting in March due to travel commitments, he hopes to contribute actively on issues relating to urban planning in the Global South, where the challenges facing the planning profession are particularly daunting. Among the major issues are how can low and very low-income groups gain access to affordable and secure land and housing in locations where competition is greatest and where prices are therefore high? What powers do planners have to influence investment decisions by investors? How can the public sector capture a reasonable proportion of the added value from urban land development? What roles can be enhanced by the participation of citizens in the urban planning process?
For those interested in working as planners internationally, the RTPI has produced an excellent guide to getting started. Click here to access a copy.
Finally, the RTPI is supporting World Town Planning Day on 08 November 2017.