Book Chapters

‘Affordable Housing in the Urban Global South’ Edited by Jan Bredenoord, Paul van Lindert and Peer Smets, Earthscan from Routledge, 2014.

The global increase in the number of slums calls for policies which improve the conditions of the urban poor, sustainably. This volume provides and extensive overview of current housing policies in Asia, Africa and Latin America and presents the facts and trends of recent policies. The chapters provide ideas and tools for pro-poor interventions with respect to the provision of land for housing, building materials, labour, participation and finance. The book looks at the role of the various stakeholders involved in such interventions, including national and local governments, private sector organisations, NGOs and Community-based Organisations.

In chapter 2, Geoff adopts a political economy approach and draws on his research and consultancy work throughout the world to assess ‘Policy and politics in urban land market management: lessons from international experience’.
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‘Inclusive Urban Planning: State of the Urban Poor Report, 2013’ Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Government of India, Oxford University Press, 2014.

In the last decade, there has been a growing realization that urbanization in one of the key issues that will determine the future course of India’s economic growth and development. However, fast-paced urbanization in India has produced an urban crisis, which is marked by the lack of adequate infrastructure and growth management as well as by sharp social divisions. The urban planning system in India – commonly known as master planning or modernist urban planning – has played a key role in institutionalizing these urban exclusions.
A flagship document of the Ministry of Housing and Poverty Alleviation, Government of India, State of the Urban Poor Report, 2013 focuses on inclusive urban planning and analyses India’s performance on this front. Using a combination of rich empirical data and rigorous analysis, it covers areas such as spatial development for inclusive developments; institutional, regulatory and legislative framework for urban planning, economic contribution of the urban poor; maintenance of tenements for slum rehabilitation; and sustainable transport, among others. It also includes case studies on financing of incremental housing improvements, tenure regularization in urban slums, inclusive planning in South Africa and Brazil, development of a cultural district in Hong Kong and public housing in Canada.

The Report highlights the bottlenecks and elucidates on the policy options and steps required to remove the. It is expected to catalyse debates at all levels of government from a more sustainable and equitable urban development.
In chapter 11, Geoff reviews the ‘Institutional, Regulatory and Legislative Framework for Urban Planning: Lessons from International Experience’ and offers examples for consideration in India.

‘Local Case Studies in African Land Law’ (Edited by Robert Home) Pretoria University Law Press, Pretoria, 2011
Chapter 2: ‘Land issues in the Rwanda’s post conflict law reform’, pp. 21-38.

In chapter two Geoffrey Payne examines the land tenure reform programme in Rwanda, whose population density is probably the highest in Africa, and whose Government has the ambitious aim to register eight million land parcels in three years. The chapter examines how this programme is being implemented, and its effects upon the urban areas where population pressure, land scarcity and economic development are concentrated. This chapter concludes with comments on the implications for policy and practice for other countries in the region facing similar challenges.

Geoff gratefully acknowledges the substantial contribution made in preparing this chapter by a colleague and is also grateful to the publishers and the editor for permission to make the chapter available for free download. To access the chapter click here, but please acknowledge the original source.
(please acknowledge the original source)

‘Urban Land Markets: Improving Land Management for Successful Urbanization’. Lall, S.V.; Freire, M.; Yuen, B.; Rajack, R.; Helluin, J.-J. (Eds.), Springer, 2010, ISBN: 978-1-4020-8861-2

‘Chapter 6: Social and economic impacts of land titling programmes in urban and peri-urban areas: a short review of the literature’, written with Alain Durand-Lasserve and Carole Rakodi.
Another version of the research on land titling impacts undertaken by Geoff in collaboration with Prof. Carole Rakodi and Alain Durand-Lasserve has now been published as a chapter in a book published by the World Bank and Springer Publishing. This includes an extended bibliography from the research and references to empirical studies in South Africa and Senegal.
More information

‘Volume 3 “Kent ve Politika” (Land and Politics). IMGE Kitabevi (series publisher), Ankara, 2007.

‘Making it home – Mehmet Ali and the growth of Ankara’, pages 245-257 (English version) and pages 279-290 (Turkish version).

The chapter was written as a contribution to a series of books in honour of Professor Rusen Keles, the most senior researcher on urban administration in Turkey. It draws on the experience Geoff has had working in Ankara since 1974, some times with Prof. Keles, and involved the processes by which people migrating into Ankara obtained land, housing and jobs. The chapter charts the history of Mehmet Ali and his family as they establish themselves in the city. (please acknowledge the original source)

‘Vernacular Architecture in the Twenty-First Century: Theory, Education and Practice’ (Edited by L.Asquith and M.Vellinga) Taylor & Francis, London and New York, 2006

Chapter 9: ‘A journey through space: cultural diversity in urban planning’, pp. 155-176.

The chapter explores the ways in which people from different cultural and political backgrounds have evolved rational and ingenious solutions to meet their shelter needs and the lessons this may offer for professionals working in the field. It is also a personal journey through these issues which reflects on a range of international research projects and practical experiences over a period of more than thirty years.
(please acknowledge the original source)

‘Market Economy and Urban Change: Impacts in the Developing World’ (Edited by R.Zetter and M.Hamza) Earthscan, 2004

‘Between Command and Market Economies: The Changing Roles of Public and Private Housing Sectors in Transitional Economies’ (with R. Grover) pp147-162


‘Urban land markets in transition’ (Edited by G.A. Jones) Lincoln Institute of land policy, Cambridge MA, 2001

‘Building Bridges: The experience of public-private partnerships in urban land development’

‘Urban Livelihoods’ (Edited by Carole Rakodi) Earthscan, London, 2002

Chapter 9: ‘Tenure and shelter in Urban Livelihoods


‘Development and Cities’ (Edited by David Westerndorff) Oxfam Oxford, 2002

Chapter 13 ‘Lowering the Ladder: regulatory frameworks for sustainable development’


Seminar on ‘Securing Land for the Urban Poor’ United Nations Center for Human Settlements (HABITAT) & UN ESCAP, 2002

Chapter 7 ‘Settling for more: Innovative approaches to tenure for the urban poor’

‘Development in Practice’ Vol11 No 2&3 May 2001 (edited by David Westerndorff) Oxfam Oxford, 2001

Chapter 11 ‘Lowering the Ladder: regulatory frameworks for sustainable development’

‘Low-Income housing in Lebanon’ Beriut Arab University, Beruit, 1995

Chapter 3:’Urban Land tenure and property rights: some policy issues’

‘Metropolitan Planning and management in the developing world: Spatial decenteralization policy in Bombay and Cairo’ United Nations Center for Human Settlements (HABITAT) Nairobi, 1993

Chapter 1 Part I: ‘Metropolitan decenteralization’
Chapter 5 Part III: ‘Final Considerations’


‘Assessment of Experience with the project approach to shelter delivery for the poor’ United nations center for human settlements (HABITAT), Nairobi, 1991

Chapter 1: ‘Overview report and evaluation of the country case studies’

‘Planning and Urban Growth in Southern Europe’ (Edited by Martin Wynn) Mansell, London, 1984

Chapter 6: Turkey (co-author with Professor Rusen Keles)


‘Self-Help Housing: A Critique’ (Edited by Peter Ward) Mansell, London, 1982

Chapter 5: ‘Self Help Housing: A Critique of the Gecekondus of Ankara’
