An international workshop to present a desk review and discuss social and economic impacts of land titling programmes in urban and peri-urban areas of developing countries was held at Charney Manor, Oxfordshire, UK from 12-15 December 06.
The meeting was attended by a group of twenty people from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, France, India, Norway, Peru and the UK. Participants also represented a wide range of organisations, including governments, academic institutions, consultancy practices and international organisations, such as UN-Habitat and the Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor. Many different disciplines were also represented, including architecture, economics, geography, law, town planning, sociology and surveying. The programme included presentations on current developments in land titling and tenure policy within key organisations and personal experiences of titling programmes in different countries. Working groups were also held to assess feedback on the draft review and identify key issues deserving further analysis, the methodological options for fieldwork and possible countries for undertaking empirical case studies.
Charney Manor provided an ideal venue for reflection and debate. The workshop ended with ideas for revising the review and a proposal for undertaking fieldwork during 2007. It is hoped that project outputs will make a constructive contribution to international discussions on land titling and its role in reducing urban poverty, limiting the future growth of slums and promoting healthy, dynamic and socially inclusive urban development. Updates will be posted over the coming months. Meanwhile we welcome any materials on examples of land titling programmes in developing or transition countries and look forward to hearing from those interested in the subject.
This project is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is coordinated by GPA. For further details click here.