The project involves an analysis of the problems of squatting in the capital, Port of Spain and the formulation of proposals for regularising selected squatter settlements in the different parts of the city. It includes the provision of basic services, upgrading infrastructure and the provision of legal land tenure to families living in squatter settlements. It also seeks to address issues of poverty and social development.
Funding body: Inter-American Development Bank
Participants: GPA, Interplan and the University of the West Indies.
Location: Central area of Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Stage One of the project started in May 2005 and the Inception stage is due for completion in August. Detailed studies will then be undertaken in September and the Diagnostic Report presented in October 2005. Stage Two work has yet to be determined.
To contribute to the Trinidad government’s vision 2020 of human development and standard of living through elevating the living environment in squatter sites. A key component of this vision is providing housing to all at affordable cost.
The objectives of the initial stage of the project are:
- To identify exact squatter sites, their geographic boundaries and land ownership patterns, numbers of squatter families and households and the demographic and socio-economic profiles of these communities;
- To develop regularisation scenarios for each community to support orderly access to affordable shelter in the project area;
- To develop a local area development framework that is consistent with proposals for the wider Port of Spain area, particularly with regard to population density, infrastructure development and transportation.
A subsequent stage will be devoted to developing a local area development framework consistent with proposals for the wider Port of Spain area.