The national Shelter Profile of Uganda, on which Geoff is acting as team leader, is making good progress. Geoff visited Uganda between 06-16 October for meetings with senior officials in the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, the local team leader, Professor Shuaib Lwasa and other team members and a number of other key stakeholder groups. A one-day workshop was held to report on progress, present initial findings of the household social survey, prepare for interviews with national and local stakeholders in public, private and civil society organisations and discuss issues in break-out sessions. In addition, Geoff travelled north to Gulu, a city recovering from the long war between the government and the Lord’s Resistance Army, an extremist group which launched a twenty year long insurrection which resulted in many tens of thousands of people being displaced, many of whom ended up in Gulu and other urban centres. Although peace is now restored, and many displaced people are returning to their villages, many others intend to stay in the towns, increasing pressure on local government management capacity and revenues. The study seeks to assess existing needs and resources as a means of identifying options to facilitate social and economic development in both Gulu and other urban centres, including Kampala. A major workshop will be held to present the final findings of the research in November.