Land tenure and property right matrices from Darmstadt University students

Geoff is delighted to share the land tenure and property right matrices from the students of the Mundus Urbanos master degree course at the Technical University of Darmstadt 2021. Please see the matrices are from: Sydney / Australia Guangzhou / China Kansas (Missouri) / USA Indonesia Pune / India Marseille / France Aleppo / Syria […]

GPA’s new intern!

Geoff is happy to welcome Shantanu Raut as an intern to GPA and looks forward to collaborating with him over the coming months. Due to covid travel restrictions, the internship will sadly have to be conducted online, but we hope it will prove constructive and beneficial. Shantanu is an Urban Development student and a trained […]

Geoff’s Honorary Advisor Appointment!

Geoff has been appointed as an Honorary Advisor for the University Research Center Urban and Environmental Studies (UES) at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU)!

Geoff’s podcast!

Geoff was recently invited to discuss his relationship with the elements (earth, water, fire and air) as part of a series of podcasts by The Living Project ( As a committed glider pilot and instructor, Geoff selected air as the focus for his podcast which can be accessed at :  Enjoy listening!

25th Year Party of GPA!

Geoff was happy to celebrate the 25th anniversary of establishing GPA on 01 October by inviting many friends and colleagues to a zoom ‘party with a purpose’ that was organised and brilliantly moderated by GPA Associate Cemre Sahinkaya.  Over thirty people joined covering fifteen times zones thanks to Zoom and we exchanged ideas on the […]

A new blog from Geoff for RTPI !

The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) has launched a new campaign ‘Plan The World We Need’ for which they invited Geoff to write a blog about UK policy on addressing the climate crisis.                                                […]

New land tenure and property rights matrices from the TU Darmstadt students

GPA is proud to announce twenty new contributions to the online library of land tenure and property rights matrices! Students from many different countries undertaking the Mundos Urbanos master degree course at the Technical University of Darmstadt have submitted a land tenure and property rights matrix for their own city indicating the full range of […]

Geoff’s continuing online classes at Darmstadt!

Geoff is pleased to carry on lecturing at the  Mundus Urbano master’s degree course at the Technical University Darmstadt, Germany in May 2020! Due to the corona-virus restrictions, the classes were undertaken online with the high motivation of the students of the programme. The class was made up of 21 students from 13 different countries […]