Geoff in Mundus Urbano Interview Series
Open Mundus Urbano has just released their interview with Geoff about his view on urban development and land management as part of Mundus Urbano Interview series. You can see it on their website.
Open Mundus Urbano has just released their interview with Geoff about his view on urban development and land management as part of Mundus Urbano Interview series. You can see it on their website.
One of the greatest rewards of working on housing issues in rapidly urbanising countries is the opportunity to see how resourceful people are when it comes to obtaining land and housing, even when they have extremely limited resources. The World Habitat Awards, organised and funded by BSHF, provide a wealth of examples of such innovation and […]
In late 2016, Geoff was invited by ICF Consultants to join their proposal to undertake a major review of urban land supply and affordable housing in Ethiopia. The proposal was successful and Geoff has been appointed as the lead consultant in the review of urban land production and lease transfer, while Dr. Graham Tipple has […]
Geoff has been invited to become a member of the International Committee of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI). Although Geoff missed the meeting in March due to travel commitments, he hopes to contribute actively on issues relating to urban planning in the Global South, where the challenges facing the planning profession are particularly […]
How to undertake a land budget
The Living City: Towards a Sustainable Future Routledge 1990 The options and probabilities for the future of cities are issues of outstanding contemporary importance, both in the developed and developing worlds. The living city draws together both current main steams ideas on their futures and various alternative views to enliven the debate and put forward […]